Drum Circle Facilitation 101

with Christine Stevens, MSW, MA, MT-BC

Christine Stevens, instructor

   5 Approved CMTEs

$95 /month

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Drum circle facilitation skills are essential for those who want to create deep, meaningful connections within facilitated groups. In this course, you will learn from 10 segments on how to start a drum circle, how to set up the circle and prepare, how to use cues, when to use the cues, how to create a natural flow, and more. The course includes live footage from a training. Additionally, you will view video coverage of drum circle facilitation all over the world, working with people with special needs, corporation, and the general public.

Do you have questions? Special requests? Group access? Student discount? We will work with you!

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This course comes with a VIP Membership!

  • Access to 100+ CMTEs at your fingertips
  • Monthly Jam Alongs to improve your repertoire (with lead sheets & tutorials!)
  • 5 unlocks per month inside our renowned intervention idea database - Search 100+ interventions for ideas based on your setting & your clients' goals
  • Personalized support from Kat, our team, & our community - sign up includes a chat with Kat right away

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Christine Stevens, instructor

About the Instructor

Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC, is the author of Music Medicine, The Healing Drum Kit and The Art and Heart of Drum Circles. She is the founder of UpBeat Drum Circles.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this course to others! I loved the use of a live group, Christine’s thorough descriptions and explanations, and then seeing it all implemented several times over as others learned and practiced. I loved being able to rewind and listen and watch, over and over–anything I didn’t at first get! Hearing, seeing and practicing, and then coming back to watch again! I definitely will use drumming with more confidence now and, hopefully, with more settings and populations.

Deborah Shell, MT-BC

Knoxville, TN

I wasn’t sure I would understand (the course) if it was just lecture, but the demonstration videos took care of that worry. My favorite part of the course was learning the cues. I am very satisfied with this course, and now I want to add drum circles to my MT bag of tricks!

Hillary Lee, MT-BC

Burlington, NC

Taking the drum circle 101 online facilitation training was enormously helpful to giving me more confidence as a drum circle facilitator.

Cindy St-Cyr

Houston, TX

I would absolutely recommend this course to others! It’s accessible to people in all kinds of fields, and now I feel like I just filled my toolbox to capacity! I have at least 3x the number of ideas, techniques and skills than what I had before going through the course. I can’t wait to start trying out all the new stuff! The chance to learn and practice in the privacy of my home really helps me build confidence!

Tracy Stoermer

Music Teacher, Dexter, MI

This course provides a better understanding as well as confidence of how to facilitate a drum circle with clear instructions for participants to follow as well as empower them to facilitate. After taking this course, I feel I will have more confidence in facilitating a drum circle and helping participants to facilitate. Christine Stevens did a great job!

T. Jackson, MT-BC

Roseville, CA

This course taught me a great deal about facilitating as a music therapist. This course will allow to facilitate drum circles and improvisation in a new way. I feel that I have more tools and tricks to use while working with my patients and other populations. I feel more confident leading large groups and helping them work towards the magic of entrainment.

Jonathan Wilcoxen, MT-BC

Austin, TX

I would definitely recommend this course to others. Drum circles can be used with so many populations, and Christine gives great, concrete advice on how to make them happen, along with the theory behind it. Playing along with my egg shaker on small sound shape drum was fun! The course was well balanced between didactic and watching/playing along with the experiential portions.

Audrey Morse, MA, MT-BC

New York, NY

I would definitely recommend this course to others, particularly music therapists who have already developed group skills. I feel the techniques presented are good reminders for facilitating, and the videos provided plenty of chances to observe these in action.
Christine did an excellent job! I felt the segments were very well organized and taught beautifully. This course was exceptionally well-done and very user friendly!

Beverlee Nelson, MT-BC

La Grange, IL

Prior to taking the course, I knew the quality of the course would be excellent, because I’ve taken Music Therapy Ed courses before After taking the course, I will be much more likely to accept and/or seek out opportunities to lead drum circles. I will also be trying some of these cues with my current client populations. I really enjoyed being able to watch a live workshop–that was really neat! I thought the information was great and I loved being able to see everything she was talking about happening naturally and organically on the video.

Elyse Kochmanski, MT-BC

North Ponawanda, NY

After taking this course, I am going to actively seek out resources so I am able to have more instruments available on my unit. I absolutely loved the bonus footage as well as the training. It felt live, and interactive, as though I was actually at a drum circle training. I would definitely recommend this course! I truly feel energized and empowered. Christine made me feel comfortable and has a grace in her presentation style that is not threatening or intimidating. I really feel as though I can walk out the door tomorrow and implement some of her techniques.

Lindsey Griffith, MA, MT-BC

Napa, CA

CBMT Relationship: Drum Circle Facilitation 101 with Christine Stevens, MSW, MA, MT-BC is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 5 Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. MusicTherapyEd.Com, Approved Provider #P-110, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.

Ellen Whealton, instructor

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Ellen Whealton, instructor

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Natasha Thomas, instructor

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DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

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Meredith Hamons, instructor

Grab Your Decades Cheat Sheet

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Grab the Power Song Wellness Activity

Ready to feel powerful? Take a few seconds to download the Power Song Wellness Activity and let Christine Stevens, MA, MSW, MT-BC be your guide! 

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Grab Your 3 Drumming Contraindications

Learn more from world-renowned drum circle facilitator Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC!

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Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

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Brittany Tachkov, MT-BC

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