Nothing makes a task breeze by like a good song. After all, music is a motivator. And when it comes time to transition from one activity to another, an engaging song makes the perfect liaison– and can be the difference between a job well done or chaos and frustration! The AMTA fact sheet on Music Therapy and Young Children says it best: “Music is highly motivating, yet it can also have a calming and relaxing effect. Enjoyable music activities are designed to be success-oriented and make children feel better about themselves.”

If smooth transitions and independence are goals of your young clients, a fresh new clean up song might be the perfect way to turn the chore of picking up after having fun into a special activity of its very own. (And it’s a great tool for parents, too!) Listen to Stephanie Leavell, MT-BC’s original clean up song in the video below.

Love what you hear? Grab the chord sheet and mP3 for this song and three more (AND a free songwriting ebook!) to use in your sessions!

If you’re always on the lookout for amazing, goal-driven resources, then check out Early Childhood Music Toolbox by Stephanie Leavell, MT-BC. By taking the course, you will:

  • Walk away with more than 30 pages of songs and resources to re-energize your practice
  • Understand the developmental rationale for using specific musical cues that will inspire the relationship between you and your client to new heights
  • Learn how to retool existing songs and resources to fit each client’s unique needs – eliciting meaningful interaction from your clients, using less energy from you!
  • Deeply explore the full range of what music has to offer through song form, chord progressions, musical cues, and more!
Ellen Whealton, instructor

Grab Ellen Whealton's Relaxation Script

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Musicianship on steroids and other goodies

Musicianship on steroids and other goodies

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Our Top 10 Apps For Your Practice

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Professional Success Course

Professional Success Course

Join 1,000+ of your colleagues and take the Professional Success Course now!

Free CMTEs? Yes please!

Your instructor Kerry Devlin, MT-BC, is looking forward to seeing you on the other side =)

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Ellen Whealton, instructor

Grab Ellen Whealton's Relaxation Script

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Our Top 10 Apps For Your Practice

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Natasha Thomas, instructor

2-Step Process To Discover Your Biases

Take 7 minutes to complete this anonymous discovery process. 

We'll send you additional support along the way

Your instructor Natasha Thomas, MS, MT-BC, is looking forward to seeing you on the other side =)

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DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

Do you feel like you could improve your documentation? Take 20 seconds to run through the tree. 

Your instructor Allison Hingley, MM, MT-BC, is looking forward to supporting you in your journey.

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions to log in, and you'll be all set!

Meredith Hamons, instructor

Grab Your Decades Cheat Sheet

Do you ever need a little on-the-spot inspiration? Take a few seconds to download the Decades Cheat Sheet, and let Meredith Hamons, MT-BC be your guide! 

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions to log in, and you'll be all set!

Grab the Power Song Wellness Activity

Ready to feel powerful? Take a few seconds to download the Power Song Wellness Activity and let Christine Stevens, MA, MSW, MT-BC be your guide! 

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!

Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

Recertify & Submit Your CMTEs Stress-Free!

Learn 13 ways to get your CMTEs for free, demystify Ethics & requirements & limits and feel confident submitting those CMTEs for recertification!

Let's make sure that if you get audited, you feel ZERO stress moving through the seamless process.

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Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

Does This Count For CMTEs?

We got your back. Walk into your recertification with confidence, knowing that you are utilizing every. single. activity. possible. towards your CMTEs!

Worried about getting audited? We got you covered there too. Use the tool to get all the goods!

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Brittany Tachkov, MT-BC

Show Me The Money!

Do you want to feel confident applying for grants & funding? 

Download our 3 successful grant applications. BONUS: You'll also receive our How-To Guide on finding nonprofit collaborators!

Brittany Tachkov will be your guide in funding your way to the top!

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!

Grab My Rate-Setting Calculator

You’ll be able to :
  •    Get a reality check on your current operations so that your business is set up for recurring, reliable revenue that you can count on for decades.
  •   Discover the most ignored, nerve-racking loophole in setting rates that sets most MT business owners up for failure and hardship.
  •    Make the numbers add up to VACATION TIME! (my personal fave) =)

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