Reimbursement & Funding for Music Therapy Services: Private Insurance
with Jamie George, MM, MT-BC

Number of CMTEs: 3
Price: $85
Length of Access: 2 months

The purpose of this CMTE workshop is to provide helpful information about the primary sources of healthcare reimbursement and about how these sources might be used to pay for music therapy, as well as a step-by-step guide to obtaining reimbursement.

Read the full course description here.


“Prior to taking the course, I knew NOTHING about dealing with insurance companies, so I am so grateful that Ms. George has tackled teaching this course! I am aware of nowhere else where one can learn so much information regarding reimbursement for music therapy services, so this course is definitely a useful tool in education. I am also excited to learn of the many resources mentioned during the course where I can obtain additional information regarding insurance billing/reimbursement and to know that there are music therapists out there actively billing successfully! This course has definitely helped me begin to understand how to start, the questions to ask and what to do regarding reimbursement. I think I may listen to the entire course again however as there is so much new information contained that I’m sure I missed useful information!”

–Dayna Koehn, MT-BC | Elk River, MN

“Would I recommend this course to others? ABSOLUTELY!!! I already have! I recommended to my friends who own Music Therapy Enrichment Center in Cleveland Ohio. They have just started the course and have now applied for their company NPI as of today! This course has provided me with the information I needed to move forward in the next chapter of my company. I do believe I will be taken more seriously by other professions if I can successfully be reimbursed through insurance companies. I really liked doing the online course! I also like that I have 2 months to truly learn the information and have access to the instructor if I have questions. Thank you!”

–Kenna Hudgins, MM, MT-BC | Lancaster, OH

“I would absolutely recommend this course to others. Though the information was clear, detailed, and thorough, unique questions were welcomed and responses were swift. Jamie is professional, tactful, and helpful – sometimes despite hearing the same questions over and over. She conveys a positive energy and attitude that is very encouraging. After taking the course, I feel so much more confident in negotiating with my new job site’s ownership and board. I’ve gained an advantage that will allow me to more intelligently discuss reimbursement issues, Music Therapy applications, and other related professional concerns. I now foresee myself seeking needed resources more readily and easily.”

–Rosalind Cravens, MT-BC | Oklahoma City, OK

I really enjoy the freedom of an on-line course, and it allows me to follow the material at my own pace. The way Jamie presented the course was wonderful; She made the information easier for me to understand. I would recommend this course to others, because I think it’s important for service members to start challenging themselves into providing care and learn how to receive reimbursement. I think some people are scared of the words ‘reimbursement’ and ‘insurance’. But we should never stop because of our fears.

–Jillian Tolman, MT-BC | Petersburg, VA

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Show Me The Money!

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  •   Discover the most ignored, nerve-racking loophole in setting rates that sets most MT business owners up for failure and hardship.
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