First of all, join us for a remote discussion on Masters Level Entry – Just click here.

Music Therapy Masters Level Entry

Second of all, I highly recommend viewing this document which we covered in our first MLE talk.

There’s also this Powerpoint on the Masters Level Entry progress report from the 2014 national conference. It shows premises for MLE, different MLE models, a model that might be proposed, a SWOT analysis of that model. It’s the most recent document on MLE. Check it out.

There are these other documents that give you an idea about the history, the thoroughness of the sub-committee’s hard work, the rationale, the concerns… I couldn’t even begin to describe all the sections here, so just check them out:

2013 Review of MLE Powerpoint
MLE Core Considerations (2010)
MLE Moving Forward (2011)

Here are more Powerpoints that cover all sorts of concerns, questions, and forum reports.

THIRD of all, the body of colleagues who will eventually VOTE on MLE is the Assembly of Delegates. Here is a sample email you can copy/paste to your delegates, so they know where you stand:

Dear Assembly Delegate ______,

I appreciate the time and energy that you dedicate to hours of meetings at each national conference. I’m also thankful for your representation of our region’s hopes and desires for the future of music therapy.

When and if the time comes, and there is a motion on the table, please vote [IN FAVOR OF *OR* AGAINST] Masters Level Entry.


For your delegates’ emails in the Western Region, click here.
For your delegates’ emails in the Great Lakes Region, click here.
For your delegates’ emails in the Southwestern Region, click here.

For other regions, click here and scroll to your appropriate region’s delegates.

Fourth point’s a charm! 2 misconceptions that come up over and over in town hall meetings and both in-person and online discussions are:

1. If I’m just a bachelor’s degree music therapist, then I will lose my job. UNTRUE! If you are a bachelor’s degree music therapist, then you are grandfathered in you can keep your MT-BC. The current standard remains in place for you indefinitely, and you should NOT lose your job due to an MLE rollout. However! If you let your MT-BC lapse after MLE rolls out, then in order to obtain your MT-BC again you must have a masters degree. Make sense? I corrected this after getting some valuable feedback from my great colleague Lillieth Grand. Thanks for clarifying Lillie! [CORRECTED 6/1/15]

2. It’s a done-deal, and we’re headed for Masters Level Entry, because of decisions made by some small, arbitrary board. UNTRUE! There is a sub-committee for MLE that has done a tremendous amount of due diligence and hard work, obtaining stats, researching related fields, hosting town hall meetings at regional conferences. But the decision-making body is the Assembly of Delegates. They make the ultimate decision, and YOU are the one who votes them IN! So, make sure to take my third point seriously =)

*Special thanks to MLE sub-committee members, ETAB members, and everybody at AMTA for guidance in disseminating accurate information about MLE.

Be well, feel good, and make MUSIC! Kat

P.S. After reading the documents and reading the points above, what’s your take on MLE? Write us in a comment below!

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DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

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