Web Ethics

with Rachelle Norman, MA, MT-BC

Rachelle Norman, instructor

   4 Approved CMTEs

$95 /month

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The internet offers music therapists unprecedented opportunities for serving clients, educating the public, and advocating for the profession. With these new resources comes the need to develop as ethical thinkers, as we thoughtfully consider how to be on the web in a professional, ethical manner. This course focuses on professional relationships on the internet–with clients, employers, colleagues, and the general public – with a focus on ethical decisions about social media, websites, blogs, and other internet-based technology. In this course, participants will learn general guidelines about ethical issues then apply this learning to a series of ethical dilemmas, using Dileo’s Ethical Decision Making Model.

Do you have questions? Special requests? Group access? Student discount? We will work with you!

Send an email to Paige at Info@MusicTherapyEd.com with your specific request, and we will respond with a custom solution just for you. (Paige is a music therapist too! She can help.)

This course comes with a VIP Membership!

  • Access to 100+ CMTEs at your fingertips
  • Monthly Jam Alongs to improve your repertoire (with lead sheets & tutorials!)
  • 5 unlocks per month inside our renowned intervention idea database - Search 100+ interventions for ideas based on your setting & your clients' goals
  • Personalized support from Kat, our team, & our community - sign up includes a chat with Kat right away

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Rachelle Norman, instructor

About the Instructor

Rachelle Norman has been an MT-BC since 2004. Her business Soundscape Music Therapy serves older adults in Kansas City, and her website SoundscapingSource.com is a resource and community for eldercare professionals. Rachelle is also an adjunct faculty member at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College.

“Would I recommend this course to others? Definitely! Technology is advancing so fast, and I feel like as MT’s, it’s our job to keep abreast of what our options are in technology, and how we can both use them to ours and our clients’ benefit, as well as ensuring we are causing no harm. I was encouraged to see that an online policy I had in place for myself for was in alignment to the instructor’s policy as well. The instructor laid out some really good ways to essentially “check myself”, and I definitely plan on keeping the lists and handouts for this, as a reference. Overall, I thought it (the course) was put together really well and thoughtfully! I liked the specific scenarios given to us, and then working through them. I definitely plan on coming back to MusicTherapyEd.com and continuing to utilize it. To say that it’s convenient would be an understatement!”

Megan Elliott, MT-BC

Tigard, Oregon

“After taking this course, I feel that I will be able to better represent myself on the internet as a professional music therapist. I am grateful to have received some good tips from the instructor regarding how to make good decisions with social media and website content. I am currently building a website, and I’m so glad to have taken this course before adding more content and structure to my site. It helped to have this course serve as a foundation as I build my web presence and represent myself as a professional.”

Melinda Wilson, MT-BC

Northridge, CA

“This course is an easy and understandable way to get information on this topic — a topic which doesn’t have a lot of material available for music therapists right now. I enjoyed learning about why using the Internet as a professional is useful. I had felt that I had a good sense of ethics in other areas prior to this course, but hadn’t understood why it would in fact be ethical, and important to use the Internet in the first place. So, understanding that has broadened my understanding, which I appreciate. After taking this course, I will be more comfortable and interested in having more of a presence online in the future, as a professional. I also really appreciated having access to this course at home. What you offer is a wonderful opportunity. Thank you!”

Abigail Yeh, MT-BC

Corvallis, OR

“This course provided the framework and the tools to assist in making the best decisions for ourselves and most important, those we serve. Rachelle Norman’s expertise and insight was extremely helpful, and she gave an excellent presentation! She was knowledgeable, honest, positive and encouraging. Once again, this course along with the AMTA Code of Ethics, highlighted why I am so proud to be part of this incredible profession. Thank you for providing these courses!”

Pamela Axler, MT-BC

Clarksville, MD

“I would absolutely recommend this course. It’s vital that we revisit our adherence to the highest ethical standards and to be aware of those situations that occur in professional practice. I enjoyed the calls and the interaction with fellow MT’s. After taking this course, I will continue to be aware of ethical situations and to uphold the highest standard of ethical behavior. Thanks for again providing outstanding courses. While it’s great to attend conferences, this format is especially helpful since it can be ongoing and without the expense and time of conference attendance.”

Cynthia Shawcroft, MT-BC

Medford, OR

This is my third online course through wordpress-379107-1237682.cloudwaysapps.com and I LOVE the format, the support, the forums and the array of topics and instructors sharing from their expertise! This course is perfect for fulfilling the new ethics requirement for re-certification. I enjoyed the scenarios that Rachelle presented within the course and also the real-life scenarios that came up in the phone calls. Hearing Rachelle’s insight and other music therapists responses and thoughts in processing and problem solving important ethical issues was super helpful.”

Bonnie Hayhurst, MT-BC

Cleveland, OH

CBMT Relationship: Web Ethics with Rachelle Norman, MA, MT-BC is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 4 Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. MusicTherapyEd.Com, Approved Provider #P-110, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.

Ellen Whealton, instructor

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Professional Success Course

Professional Success Course

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Your instructor Kerry Devlin, MT-BC, is looking forward to seeing you on the other side =)

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Ellen Whealton, instructor

Grab Ellen Whealton's Relaxation Script

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Natasha Thomas, instructor

2-Step Process To Discover Your Biases

Take 7 minutes to complete this anonymous discovery process. 

We'll send you additional support along the way

Your instructor Natasha Thomas, MS, MT-BC, is looking forward to seeing you on the other side =)

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DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

Do you feel like you could improve your documentation? Take 20 seconds to run through the tree. 

Your instructor Allison Hingley, MM, MT-BC, is looking forward to supporting you in your journey.

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions to log in, and you'll be all set!

Meredith Hamons, instructor

Grab Your Decades Cheat Sheet

Do you ever need a little on-the-spot inspiration? Take a few seconds to download the Decades Cheat Sheet, and let Meredith Hamons, MT-BC be your guide! 

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Grab the Power Song Wellness Activity

Ready to feel powerful? Take a few seconds to download the Power Song Wellness Activity and let Christine Stevens, MA, MSW, MT-BC be your guide! 

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Grab Your 3 Drumming Contraindications

Learn more from world-renowned drum circle facilitator Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC!

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Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

Recertify & Submit Your CMTEs Stress-Free!

Learn 13 ways to get your CMTEs for free, demystify Ethics & requirements & limits and feel confident submitting those CMTEs for recertification!

Let's make sure that if you get audited, you feel ZERO stress moving through the seamless process.

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Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

Does This Count For CMTEs?

We got your back. Walk into your recertification with confidence, knowing that you are utilizing every. single. activity. possible. towards your CMTEs!

Worried about getting audited? We got you covered there too. Use the tool to get all the goods!

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Brittany Tachkov, MT-BC

Show Me The Money!

Do you want to feel confident applying for grants & funding? 

Download our 3 successful grant applications. BONUS: You'll also receive our How-To Guide on finding nonprofit collaborators!

Brittany Tachkov will be your guide in funding your way to the top!

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!

Grab My Rate-Setting Calculator

You’ll be able to :
  •    Get a reality check on your current operations so that your business is set up for recurring, reliable revenue that you can count on for decades.
  •   Discover the most ignored, nerve-racking loophole in setting rates that sets most MT business owners up for failure and hardship.
  •    Make the numbers add up to VACATION TIME! (my personal fave) =)

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