April is Self-Care Awareness Month at!

Taking care of yourself helps you enhance the time that you spend working by creating balance in your life. With adequate self-care, you will likely be more intuitive, listen better, play better, and even focus better during work hours.

shower_optHave you taken the time to build a solid self-care plan in to your life? Do you have a personal plan that supports you in the 5 major dimensions of Wellness: Social, Spiritual, Occupational, Emotional, and Physical Wellness?

We believe that a healthy music therapy community depends on the health and wellness of our individual community members. (Tweet that!) And we care about your health.

This month, we will help you create a personal “Map to Self-Care.” By the end of April, you will have a personalized map to use in your life that includes the 5 major aspects of personal wellness.

Map to Self Care(1)_opt

Get ready! We have a plan for you and will be there to support you every step of the way. Tune in to our Tuesday Shout-Out each week in April to start creating your Map to Self-Care.


Here is what to expect each week (LINKS NOW ADDED!):

April 1st: Social Wellness – How Our Peers Practice Wellness (SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE!)

April 8th: Spiritual Wellness – A Deep Relaxation Exercise using White Light and Imagery to tap in to the experience of Universal Love and Acceptance by Ellen Whealton, MA, MT-BC

April 15th: Occupational: Work/Life Fit – Finding the Right Fit by Julie A. Palmieri, MM, MT-BC

April 22nd: Emotional Wellness – A Music-Assisted Imagery Exercise to help you identify underlying emotions and feelings by Ellen Whealton, MA, MT-BC

April 29th: Physical Wellness – 3 Steps To Enhance Your Physical Wellness by Jessie Johnson, MT-BC

Life is a balancing act, and we are going to help you find your balance.

To kick off Showering Yourself With Kindness, we are getting SOCIAL with our wellness. Here are some tips and resources from some of our friends:

by Sara Ezra Torf-Fulton, Customer Support /
I know this sounds too simple that is borderline “duh,” but add yourself to your To Do List. That way, you cannot ignore it and will still feel productive when taking time to focus on the things that keep you ground. The simple self-care things, like a run, make sense, but sometimes we even need to add “clean the house” or “haircut” to our own lists or we can start to feel that we are “wasting time” by taking care of ourselves. And the bottom line is, to stay healthy, productive, and happy, focusing on ourselves does deserve attention and love.

by Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC
Christine’s YouTube Channel:
Christine’s article:
Christine’s video on Big Happy Day:

by Natalie Mullis, MT-BC

What are your favorite self-care resources? We’ll shout them out all month over social media. In a comment below, list your blog posts, your favorite websites, your favorite products and more!

Be Well,

Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC + Ellen Whealton, MA, MT-BC

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Ellen Whealton, instructor

Grab Ellen Whealton's Relaxation Script

Download the mp3 and PDF instantly.

By grabbing the meditation, you're also subscribing to our newsletter. You can always opt-out.

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Musicianship on steroids and other goodies

Musicianship on steroids and other goodies

You'll get it in your inbox, convenient for those times in between clients, and after a long day.

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Our Top 10 Apps For Your Practice

We'll send the Top 10 list straight to your inbox. From there, you can click on the apps to get started! Get appy with us!


By picking up the Top 10 Apps, you're also subscribing to our newsletter. You can always opt-out later.

Awesome! Check for our email, and drag it over to your Primary inbox. Open the email for the goods ;)

Professional Success Course

Professional Success Course

Join 1,000+ of your colleagues and take the Professional Success Course now!

Free CMTEs? Yes please!

Your instructor Kerry Devlin, MT-BC, is looking forward to seeing you on the other side =)

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions to log in, and you'll be all set!

Ellen Whealton, instructor

Grab Ellen Whealton's Relaxation Script

Download the mp3, PDF, and watch the video instantly.

By grabbing the meditation, you're also subscribing to our newsletter. You can always opt-out.

Success! Check your inbox for the mp3. Then drag our email to your Primary inbox.

Our Top 10 Apps For Your Practice

We'll send the Top 10 list straight to your inbox. From there, you can click on the apps to get started! Get appy with us!

Awesome! Check for our email, and drag it over to your Primary inbox. Open the email for the goods ;)

Natasha Thomas, instructor

2-Step Process To Discover Your Biases

Take 7 minutes to complete this anonymous discovery process. 

We'll send you additional support along the way

Your instructor Natasha Thomas, MS, MT-BC, is looking forward to seeing you on the other side =)

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions to log in, and you'll be all set!

DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

Do you feel like you could improve your documentation? Take 20 seconds to run through the tree. 

Your instructor Allison Hingley, MM, MT-BC, is looking forward to supporting you in your journey.

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions to log in, and you'll be all set!

Meredith Hamons, instructor

Grab Your Decades Cheat Sheet

Do you ever need a little on-the-spot inspiration? Take a few seconds to download the Decades Cheat Sheet, and let Meredith Hamons, MT-BC be your guide! 

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions to log in, and you'll be all set!

Grab the Power Song Wellness Activity

Ready to feel powerful? Take a few seconds to download the Power Song Wellness Activity and let Christine Stevens, MA, MSW, MT-BC be your guide! 

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!

Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

Recertify & Submit Your CMTEs Stress-Free!

Learn 13 ways to get your CMTEs for free, demystify Ethics & requirements & limits and feel confident submitting those CMTEs for recertification!

Let's make sure that if you get audited, you feel ZERO stress moving through the seamless process.

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!

Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

Does This Count For CMTEs?

We got your back. Walk into your recertification with confidence, knowing that you are utilizing every. single. activity. possible. towards your CMTEs!

Worried about getting audited? We got you covered there too. Use the tool to get all the goods!

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!

Brittany Tachkov, MT-BC

Show Me The Money!

Do you want to feel confident applying for grants & funding? 

Download our 3 successful grant applications. BONUS: You'll also receive our How-To Guide on finding nonprofit collaborators!

Brittany Tachkov will be your guide in funding your way to the top!

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!

Grab My Rate-Setting Calculator

You’ll be able to :
  •    Get a reality check on your current operations so that your business is set up for recurring, reliable revenue that you can count on for decades.
  •   Discover the most ignored, nerve-racking loophole in setting rates that sets most MT business owners up for failure and hardship.
  •    Make the numbers add up to VACATION TIME! (my personal fave) =)

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!