Powerful WomanPeople are not going to “like” you when you achieve professional success in our field. We know from the research that “likeability” is negatively correlated with success for women, but positively correlated with success for men. I learned that from Sheryl Sandberg in the video below. She quotes the research.

My Burning Question

Have you spoken to your music therapy colleagues lately about their latest salary negotiation? I encourage you to talk to peers about negotiation. I’ve spoken to fellow music therapists and found out that instead of negotiating their salaries up, they’ve negotiated down. This makes no sense to me.

It’s a true story, specific to a colleague of mine, and a story for which I am not at liberty to share the details. But if this is the case for one of my colleagues, then I wonder — Where else and to whom else is this happening in our field?

The point is that my colleague’s story of down-negotiating is not hers alone. That delicate place of speaking to an authority, in front of someone who could at any moment CLOSE the door on you and say NO, while shivers run up and down your legs and into your spine, and then in the moment you hear that little voice that says you are NOT worthy, and so you back off, back down, and speak out of apology… this place is visited by tons of people every day, in many industries, seeking out ALL job levels (executive down to newbies).

And that’s OK. But what we want to do is to hear that voice, feel those shivers, see the door shutting, and ASK FOR A HIGHER SALARY ANYWAY. I’m not kidding. It’s as easy as that. And those fears, and those shivers, and those scary images? Those do not define YOU or your actions. YOU control your actions.

There has been discussion among music therapy business owners about “those new workforce millennials who expect a ridiculously high salary” after graduating from college. To that I say, YES! Expect a high wage! Demand great compensation! Keep us job providers in check! Motivate our music therapy employers to charge what we’re worth! Don’t settle! Don’t cave! When you cave, you hurt all of us…

I’m proud to say that both of my employees negotiated their salaries UP. =) I love my employees. It would seriously make me wonder if they hadn’t. So here it is…

My worst fear about music therapy’s future:

The women of our field will NOT realize their potential and


Women make up 89% of our entire field [enter sinking feeling in my gut]. It’s not that I don’t believe in the women of our field. It’s that I don’t believe that we believe in ourselves.

We need HELP, and we need it now. So, I offer 3 educational pieces for YOU to start stepping into your power. Reaching for those promotions, negotiating UP with your salary, and saying NO to less-than-honorable professional agreements require daily practice. It’s not an easy fix. There is no magical button we can press to elevate our field. This is scratching the surface, but I hope that these pieces can help you get on the right path that takes our AMAZING industry ONWARDS and UPWARDS.

Step Into Your Power #1

Have you seen this video? Get out your clipboard, notepad, and pen. Take some serious notes on this:

Step Into Your Power #2

Steve Jobs was an incredible negotiator. Read his emails about how he showed steadfast, strong, pure VALUE in negotiating an historical deal.

Step Into Your Power #3

Take our most power-injected, rocket-fueled course that is tailor-made for music therapists to RISE above as a true executive. In order to step into our power, we must see ourselves as powerful. That’s how I see you. Take the course, look in the mirror, and say YES. We have a deadline of Friday, August 2 at noon for you to get the MOST out of this course.

Be well, feel good, and step into your power. We are 100% beside you, standing tall and proud, witnessing YOUR brilliance,

Kat Fulton, Curator

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Ellen Whealton, instructor

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Musicianship on steroids and other goodies

Musicianship on steroids and other goodies

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Professional Success Course

Professional Success Course

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Free CMTEs? Yes please!

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Ellen Whealton, instructor

Grab Ellen Whealton's Relaxation Script

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Our Top 10 Apps For Your Practice

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Natasha Thomas, instructor

2-Step Process To Discover Your Biases

Take 7 minutes to complete this anonymous discovery process. 

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Your instructor Natasha Thomas, MS, MT-BC, is looking forward to seeing you on the other side =)

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DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

DoThe Documentation Decision Tree In 20 Seconds

Do you feel like you could improve your documentation? Take 20 seconds to run through the tree. 

Your instructor Allison Hingley, MM, MT-BC, is looking forward to supporting you in your journey.

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Meredith Hamons, instructor

Grab Your Decades Cheat Sheet

Do you ever need a little on-the-spot inspiration? Take a few seconds to download the Decades Cheat Sheet, and let Meredith Hamons, MT-BC be your guide! 

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Grab the Power Song Wellness Activity

Ready to feel powerful? Take a few seconds to download the Power Song Wellness Activity and let Christine Stevens, MA, MSW, MT-BC be your guide! 

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Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

Recertify & Submit Your CMTEs Stress-Free!

Learn 13 ways to get your CMTEs for free, demystify Ethics & requirements & limits and feel confident submitting those CMTEs for recertification!

Let's make sure that if you get audited, you feel ZERO stress moving through the seamless process.

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Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC | your guide

Does This Count For CMTEs?

We got your back. Walk into your recertification with confidence, knowing that you are utilizing every. single. activity. possible. towards your CMTEs!

Worried about getting audited? We got you covered there too. Use the tool to get all the goods!

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Brittany Tachkov, MT-BC

Show Me The Money!

Do you want to feel confident applying for grants & funding? 

Download our 3 successful grant applications. BONUS: You'll also receive our How-To Guide on finding nonprofit collaborators!

Brittany Tachkov will be your guide in funding your way to the top!

Awesome! Check your inbox, and drag our email to your Primary tab. Follow instructions, and you'll be all set!

Grab My Rate-Setting Calculator

You’ll be able to :
  •    Get a reality check on your current operations so that your business is set up for recurring, reliable revenue that you can count on for decades.
  •   Discover the most ignored, nerve-racking loophole in setting rates that sets most MT business owners up for failure and hardship.
  •    Make the numbers add up to VACATION TIME! (my personal fave) =)

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